
Haley Clark: Still in development

It can be troublesome when one has an idea but no clue which direction to take it. Such is the case with this series I'm still trying to develop. I'll probably have a better feel for this once I actually write one or two stories (I hope). Let me know what you think.

Haley Clark is fresh out of college with a Bachelor's in Witchcraft, and as such is completely unemployable. Despite being very prolific in her field, there just isn't much practical use for her skills in an evermore technological world. Most people in the world tend to be ignorant about the disposition of magic users beyond the usual "cackling, cauldrons and broomsticks" stereotypes, which really doesn't help matters one bit.

Haley Clark is a highly optimistic young woman thrust into the real world with the totally unmarketable skill of witchcraft. Many people tend to mistake her naivete for stupidity, but she is simply ignorant of goings on that are outside her personal train of thought. (She can't name her city's mayor, but golly, if you want to convert dark chocolate into white chocolate with the flick of a wrist, she's your lady!) Her preferred mode of transportation is her handcrafted broomstick and instead of a purse she pulls most anything she has/needs out of her Pocketbook Dimension (a little portal where she keeps her stuff that can be opened anywhere).

Elijah Palam has been Haley's boyfriend since high school. His B.A. in English is equally (if not more so) useless when it comes to being employed. Unlike Haley, he has come to terms with this and has settled into a tolerable rut at his job at the local Buzz Barn coffee house. While not sharing his girlfriend's optimism, he has come to rely on hers to keep himself smiling. Since the two live together in a relatively tiny apartment, he's a frequent penny-pincher and tends to nag Haley about getting a job.

Twinkle is Haley's cat, more of a close friend and confidant than she is a pet. Only Haley can understand her Meowlish language. (Magic! Remember?) Although she was the one raised since kittenhood, she tends to be the more motherly one, fretting about Haley's safety and always willing to give advice (as much as a cat's understanding of the human world will warrant). Despite being a complete wimp when things get tough, she'll always stay by her human friend's side.

Huan-Chen Ng is still in school and is the daughter of Haley's Eastern Magics professor. While she is majoring in Witchcraft and is quite talented at it, it is not what she wishes to pursue for a career. Pressure from her family history of sorcerers and sorceresses (especially from her aforementioned Professor Mom) has forced her down this path despite her passion for the arts. Haley considers her a friend and this utterly confuses Huan, as she was never particularly friendly towards her. Haley's frequent upbeat attitude grates against Huan constantly, making it hard at times to keep her own short fuse in check.

There are still minor characters to flesh out and stories to further outline, but that should give you the gist of it. Please leave any comments with suggestions and criticisms. Feel free to hate it even, as long as it's constructive hate.